About Saharchitects
We are proud to announce that our article about how lighting affects your health and well-being has been published in the September/October issue of the Luxembourg design magazine, Wunnen!
The magazine article entitled “Comment l’éclairage influe sur votre santé et votre bien-être” is in French, but if you wish to read it in English, see our News Post, “How Design Enhances Your Health and Well-Being: Lighting“. To see the full issue click here: http://www.wunnen-mag.lu/archives/2019/65.htm
Saharchitects is experienced in understanding how to design for health and well-being and the natural environment. If you are considering renovating or building a new home, please contact or follow Saharchitects to learn more.
Title photo of daylight passing through the Meditation Space designed by Tadao Ando