About Saharchitects
Having a home where you can relax, entertain, and live the way you want is something you have been dreaming about, but you know it is one of the largest investments in time and money you may make in your life.
With that in mind, why should you have to add the fees of an architect to the other costs? Why not just go to a contractor with your own sketches and ideas?
Not all architects are alike, and it is very important to choose a reputable architect with a vision that fits yours. Your new home will take a lot of time and communication, so it is critical to find an architect you can build a strong relationship with and who you can trust.
An architect like that can add a lot of value and here are five reasons why:
For legal, financial, or medical advice, you wouldn’t hesitate to find the best experts in those fields, so why wouldn’t you do the same with your home?
Architects must go through rigorous studies, internships, and work for many years to gain experience in how to design with excellence, understand the requirements and processes, and know how to anticipate problems and solve them with expertise.
We continue to do our research and stay in touch constantly with builders and suppliers to know where the problems are, and when something unexpected happens, we can help you find the right alternatives and advise you on the best path forward.
The value that an architect brings to your home starts with the design. We not only help you realize your vision, we will design an elegant home that takes full advantage of its location keeping the resale value of the home higher.
We can also help you find good ways to reduce costs by referring to a budget analysis we do in each design phase. Through our pre-design feasibility study, we may also discover ways to build a multi-family home where you could either sell or rent out the second home to finance the construction.
Our careful preparation of construction documents helps ensure that mistakes are corrected in the drawing phases rather than on site. As Frank Lloyd Wright noted, “You can use an eraser on the drafting table or a sledge hammer on the construction site.”
Although it is a small country, Luxembourg has 105 communes that each have their own zoning regulations and building departments. Although there are similarities in the PAG or zoning regulations, each department can interpret them very differently.
We thoroughly analyze the regulations and stay in contact with the building authorities to get feedback very early in the design phases. This helps ensure we understand their interpretations to avoid long delays and major changes during the permitting process.
When we sign a contract with you, we are committed to serving your best interests. We will guide you through each design phase explaining things step by step, and we will help you find any necessary specialists such as land surveyors, engineers, energy efficiency consultants, etc.
In the construction phase we will act as your advocates with the contractors. We will oversee the bidding process making recommendations on which contractors to use, and we will coordinate and supervise the work. When contractors submit their invoices, they will submit them to us. Once we determine the invoiced work has been finished and done correctly, we will approve the invoice and send it on to you for payment.
At Saharchitects, we start with a pre-design feasibility study that includes an extensive client survey. We spend a lot of time going through it with you to learn all about what you want in your home and what your preferences are. We carefully consider design images that inspire you, and we thoroughly analyze your property to make sure the best views, sun angles and slopes are all considered in the design.
As we design your home, we will frame those views and harmoniously compose the spaces, light, materials and colors. We will carry your vision into every detail so you can relax, entertain and live as you imagined.
To learn more about what is offered in each design phase and see how our fees are structured, be sure to download our “Guide to Working with an Architect in Luxembourg”.
Title photo: an apartment entrance in The Nest in Neihaischen designed by Saharchitects for Codur SA. Photo by steve troes fotodesign.